The project "the MODERN WOMAN"

The author the doctor of engineering science Molokova Zoya

The purpose of the project "the Modern woman" - adaptation of the women in modern market conditions by means of training, search of the new forms of employment, edition of the literature.
Beginning of the project: 1994 year.

1. TRAINING 119: 116 women and 3 men are trained.

The projeñt "the Modern woman", in 1995-99, through preparation and special additional training, promoted transition from scheduled to market economy by means of preparation of the experts in the field of small business and development of family (home) business. Many graduates have created own business, some have found new employment or have strengthened the rule at work.

The project "the Modern woman" is aimed at work with the socially unprotected layers of the population - by the women who have appeared in a complex (difficult) economic situation as a result of the modern transitive period: it is the women who are taking place in holiday on a caring of the small children, woman - mother of children - invalids, of the mother, woman of the former defensive enterprises and etc.


Send to the public 2 editions of the encyclopaedic directory "the Modern woman"
1994ã. - 10 000 copies, 28.0, format 60õ90/16.
1999ã. - 10 000 copies, 15.12, format 84õ108/32.

The purpose of the book is the illumination of various legal, socio economic, psychological, professional and household aspects of life the woman. The book contains 5 sections: You are advised by the lawyer. Formula of health and beauty. Aspects of everyday life. Professional life and business. Women's movement.

For the first edition of the book the composer and author of idea of the book Molokova Zoya is awarded with the diploma of the Moscow International fund of UNESCO in 1995 year.

The sponsors and partners of the project:
Fund "Eurasia", USA (1995-1997)
Government of Moscow - committee of work and employment (1996-1998)
Committee of public and interregional connections (1997)
Husband - Molokov V. (1994, 1999)

Tel.: +7(095) 147 14 75, 433 24 85
Fax: +7(095) 147 11 47

29 april 1999