Ζενωθνΰ Ολώρ...
  N4, 2000

An Ordinary Miracle

By Michael Shcherbakov1

The fact that more than a half of each "Discovery" group consists of women is due to different reasons, though it concerns most other programs. Sometimes, of course, male groups gather but the tendency of women's domineering is traced quite clearly, it is connected with the fact that traditionally the woman in the USSR was socially more active, less narrow-minded and less frightened with rules and principals than the man. Perhaps, it is connected with deep pre-Christian roots of Russian culture, when the woman played a role of social and spiritual source. It is difficult to say. One way or another, it is the female part of training graduates that often creates a strong feeling of possibility of Miracle.

A tired woman, weary with life and her family, with a keen face of a tired Judge in People's Court, suddenly turns to a bright, interesting flower.

Another example - a classical "common stinker": impudent, a bit stupid, ambitious, extremely preoccupied with her own problems. That was the first impression of a wife of a "new Russian", who came to me intended to visit the training. I was interested but didn't understand clearly what for she was going to the training, what she wanted to obtain in it. Now this woman is a psychotherapist, an excellent specialist, my colleague and a close friend.

One more example. Some years ago a nice grandmother in a downy shawl came to our training, she had been in blockade in World War II, and after that became completely ill. She happened to hear somewhere that the training would help to recover her health and decided to come. "Discovery" is directed mainly to a younger contingent, representatives of the middle class, that is why the grandmother's intension to visit the training puzzled me in a way. After the training the grandmother suddenly decided to establish an association of people who had survived in the blockade Leningrad and asked me for the regulations of our organization as a pattern. It was curious. I explained to her what problems she would face if she decided to establish an organization, what efforts it would require, gave her the regulations and forgot about it. A year later I got to know about a serious charity organization with its own apartment, considerable budget, and hundreds and hundreds of people who had been rendered REAL assistance to. The organization was run by an active, healthy and full of energy woman - our grandmother!- But it occurred to nobody now to call her a grandmother. It was not curious - it was MIRACLE.

Strictly speaking what is happening at the training? Sometimes I am asked: "Do you do anything special with people? Is it hypnosis? Coding?" Neither the first nor the second. What is happening at the training reminds a miracle when you come to a musical centre, press the button and music begins, say "the Magic Flute" by Mozart. A instant ago there was a dead piece of plastic and metal. But you have done something and music has begun. But you did not write that music, you did not do the frame of the musical centre - you just pressed the button. Besides, it reminds me the magic of photography. You see something and again press the button. As a result you get an Image, in which there can be everything - Universe, World, Feeling, Love or Pain. Of course, it is important to know what camera settings you should make, to have equipment and professionalism. But the core is not in it but in your ability to SEE, DISCOVER and make what you have seen a part of reality - of your and other people's reality.

What is that thin verge that separates the Russian Woman Miracle from the phenomenon of an intimidated communal aunty? I do not know. I think it is here where one of the most interesting philosophic questions is concealed. Every time when after the training such a miracle happens, I have a feeling that I do something precious, a keen feeling of life's meaning… I have nothing to do but to bow before those women I have just told you about, and before hundreds of other Russian Women in their person.

If I say that each of you, female-readers of this magazine, is exactly that magical creature in whom splendid music, fantastically beautiful images are concealed as well as incredible Love, passion for new discoveries - you are likely to take this statement with reasonable skepticism. Well, life experience provides reasons to it. And let me still believe that a moment will come to You and the miracle will happen. It will happen because You will create it yourself.

Detailed information about trainings in the Institute of Personal Development you can find on the website of the institute: www.ipd.ru or contact us by e-mail info@ipd.ru

1Upon the editors request, Micheal Shcherbakov, the director of the Personal Development Institute, comments on the articles "I Discovered a Soul in Me" and "Three Days of Love"