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 OWL Grants jule 2002


june 2002 jule 2002 august 2002 september 2002

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Grant program of the Center of International Private Enterprises (CIPE)


CIPE Program on grant providing and giving in the developing countries supports business associations and research collectives whose activities contribute to building of democracy and market relations. CIPE renders assistance in form of managerial and technical support.

Scholarships of the Moscow Higher School for Social and Economic Sciences


Russian-British Post-graduate University Moscow Higher School for Social and Economic Sciences is announcing a competition for scholarships for master's degree studies.

Program of the German Federal Chancellor for potential leaders from the Russian Federation


Alexander-Humboldt-Foundation is awarding since 2002 ten scholarships of the Federal Chancellor of Germany for potential leaders from the Russian Federation.

Series of training seminars for potential participants of the program "Partner"


Seminars will take place from 20th of June till 19th of July 2002 in the following citis: Nizhniy Novgorod, Ufa, Kirov, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Izhevsk, Perm, Kudymkar, Saransk, Saratov, Kazan, Chebokssary, Yoshkar-Ola and Samara.

Youth involvement into entrepreneurial activities


"Open Society Institute" - Soros Foundation - Russia. Program "Small towns of Russia" is announcing the grant competition for administrations of municipal structures with number of population on the 1st of January 2002 not exceeding 90 000 people.

Raising the role of non-commercial organizations in the sphere of social services for the population


Institute of Economics (Moscow) is intending to announce the competition of small grants for non-commercial organizations (NCO) of Chelyabinsk "Raising the role of non-commercial organizations in the sphere of social services for the population".

Contest of the Russian Journalists Union Lady-leader


Russian Journalists Union is announcing the National Contest of mass media Lady-leader .

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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