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 OWL International news

Interesting statistics.

09-08-2002 RIA "Novosti".

  The fair half of the Romanian capital relies on itself only.
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see also:

Women with high self-appraisal more often give birth to boys

Women with high self-appraisal more often give birth to boys. At least, scientists from the Oakland University claim it is a fact after conducting appropriate researches.

Women know more words than men do

German psychologist conducted research that resulted in the fact that women's vocabulary is twice as large as men's one.

Girls have more unhealthy way of life

According to the data of the research published in the British Medical Journal girls' way of life is more often unhealthy than boys' one.

The work at the monitoring of breaching women's rights started in Voronezh

Voronezh interregional remedial group (IRG) started to work at the periodic monitoring, subject - women's rights breaching.

Women and men are only winning by changing their roles.

Family and business: psychologists succeeded to prove that the double obligations not always result in stress. Family and work should not disturb each other. Two American psychologists came to this conclusion.

Between Medusa and Siren: issue about the women's genius

Contemporary art is mainly based on the marginal forms of senses - taste, smell and touch. And that means that namely women's genius is inspiring modern arts.

The court released American women from their childbirth duty

The court declared that a man has no right to influence the decision of his former girlfriend: the right to have an abortion is secured by the 14th amendment of the US Constitution.

Natural childbirth and breastfeeding is considerable reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Natural childbirth and breastfeeding is considerable reducing the risk of breast cancer by women. A group of British scientists found new substantial proves for this fact while reviewing and analyzing the data of the appropriate medical researches from 30 countries.

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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ROO "East-West: Women's Innovation Projects"
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