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Women know more words than men do

10-09-2002 Medical news Solway Pharma.

  German psychologist conducted research that resulted in the fact that women's vocabulary is twice as large as men's one.
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see also:

Scientists discovered the gene that is responsible for male violence

However, it provokes violence only under condition that men being children suffered from violence or felt being outcaste.

It's the opinion of Australian geneticists, that men become more and more feminine

Y-chromosome that is responsible for masculine features of representatives of the stronger sex - is step by step reducing its size and most probably can disappear at all.

International scientific seminar "Family as battlefield: social symptoms and existential deadlocks"

30 September - 1 October 2002 the international scientific seminar "Family as battlefield: social symptoms and existential deadlocks" will take place in Ekaterinenburg.

Between Medusa and Siren: issue about the women's genius

Contemporary art is mainly based on the marginal forms of senses - taste, smell and touch. And that means that namely women's genius is inspiring modern arts.

Interesting statistics.

The fair half of the Romanian capital relies on itself only.

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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ROO "East-West: Women's Innovation Projects"
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