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 OWL Urgent september 2002


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Reproduction clinic for Lesbians opened


The first in Europe reproduction clinic directed toward Lesbian couples and single women opened in London this week.

Warrior woman - unique burial place, 2000 years old was found in Rostov-on-Don


The burial place of a warrior woman with one and a half meter long sward on the side was found during archeological digging of the ancient Necropolis.

Wedding ring is bad for health-of men


Scientists insist that: when you are wearing the wedding ring for many years it little by little grows into the skin, gold begins to oxidize and products of the chemical reaction go to the blood.

During last 10 years more than 75 000 Russian women left their country for USA together with their husbands - citizens of the USA


According to words of O.Makhovskaya, to the first place go the consequences of international marriages for children. They become "hostages" of marriage stories of their parents.

Women with high self-appraisal more often give birth to boys


Women with high self-appraisal more often give birth to boys. At least, scientists from the Oakland University claim it is a fact after conducting appropriate researches.

Advices for working women to release from stress and weight of work:


*try not to work at home, if it is impossible, choose fixed time and days (excluding week-end!),* go in for sport together with your family, go out more often. The place where PC is installed evokes thouts about work, not about rest,* more often go to the country to change the scenery,* find yourself a hobby - for example, hiking, fishing, collecting something etc.

Women know more words than men do


German psychologist conducted research that resulted in the fact that women's vocabulary is twice as large as men's one.

Girls have more unhealthy way of life


According to the data of the research published in the British Medical Journal girls' way of life is more often unhealthy than boys' one.

Think about your health-


American doctors say that not only jogging but also simple walking is good for women's health.

For the sake of single mother from Nigeria Miss France is not entering the ceremony of "Miss Universe"


Acting Miss France Sylvie Tellier declared boycott of the ceremony "Miss Universe" in Nigeria as a sign of protest against death sentence passed on a local woman, Associated Press reports.

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mamacash October 2003 - March 2004 supported by Mama Cash
English version of portal created with financial support of Women's Network Program of Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation).

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ROO "East-West: Women's Innovation Projects"
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